Break Time

I took a few minutes at my desk today to enjoy some dark chocolate pretzel crisps. I had just taken a bite when my phone rang causing me to jump. I put my coated treat down as my phone announced my cardiologist was on the phone. I had no idea why she was calling but…

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Planning Ahead

I don’t know about the rest of you, but we make all kinds of plans. We make plans for if this happens and plans for if that happens. Inevitably something unexpected comes up and we make plans for that. People are always amazed that we can hang loose the way we do, until they realize…

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While I have not always chosen the easiest path, I rarely deliberately go looking for the hardest way to go. However, there are times when interesting things happen around me. It is not my fault. Several weeks ago my husband and I noticed an odd underground gurgle. The ground shook, the noise was unlike anything…

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I am a firm believer that everyone is born with an imagination. Like any muscle or skill, the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Many people put their thoughts in a box because they wander to far and fast to contain. Maybe they don’t enjoy the adventure of seeing where those thoughts are…

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Hillbilly Chicken Cordon Bleu

Okay, so it isn’t as fancy as its name. It might be made with cheap ingredients, but it tastes oh-so-good and it’s fast. We took breaded chicken patties, did a light spray of olive oil and baked, flipping halfway through until crisp and tender. Halve some white American singles or single swiss slices, put half…

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As we sort and shift through goods and items no longer in use, we look for those whose needs might well be met with what we have. Today we made a donation to a senior community and memory care center. They need all kinds of things, and I volunteered to read my books to the…

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We stopped by a local pond today to see the egrets. They are such cool, snow-white birds. As we pulled off, they looked up and took off, but I got a few amazing pics before they flew out of sight. Spring brings new birds, insects, frogs, and so much new growth. Mud, of course, bipolar…

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Scammers and Fakers

All the technin this world and I often feel like I am 100 steps behind the average person, but I slog through, ask questions, Google and research. Today my brother texted me, he got an email with my name saying I was in trouble offering pics. He is a smart man and checked the address,…

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If you have read my books, any or them, you might have noticed that I enjoy cooking. I can cook completely by scratch, or I can take all manner of shortcuts. Tonight I made chicken paprika, a family favorite using saurkraut, chicken, mushrooms, peppers, and a cream sauce. It is amazing, and I have played…

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As a rule I am useful, productive, I strive to get my stuff done. It doesn’t matter what you call it or what you don’t, but today is not one of those days. I could whine and complain about the weather, allergies, the phase of the moon. I could pull out the end of the…

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