
As a rule I am useful, productive, I strive to get my stuff done. It doesn’t matter what you call it or what you don’t, but today is not one of those days. I could whine and complain about the weather, allergies, the phase of the moon. I could pull out the end of the school year, overwhelmed, and exhausted song; but nobody cares. The truth is, I am doing very little useful today.

Okay so I am washing clothes, dusting a little, sweeping, cooking, cleaning, and such. But I had so much more on my list. I was going to dig more holes and plant bulbs, I had a list of projects aside from the usual and nothing is getting done. Of course yesterday I did a bunch, and the rain makes it less than ideal to work outside. Besides, it feels so good to sit and read this book.

Lately I have been playing with reading apps, the ones that let you read six or seven chapters free before you send in money. Then I make up my own endings and enjoy the trip through someone else’s imaginary world. Oh I buy chapters, coins, tokens, whatever, but then I realize I have spent enough and drop it. I prefer to buy my books outright, not a drib and drab at a time, but for me a novel lasts less than a day. When I read, I read and slip away entirely from where my feet are. So owning the whole book is a plus, owning the whole series is even better. Yes, the bookstore people cheer when they see me.

Back to being useful or taking a break, I work hard a lot of the time, so when I do take time to recharge, I do it passionately and with dedication. If you need to recharge, I can recommend a set of stories that will whisk you away to a sentient planet where the indigenous people are mammalian and the newly arrived humans there call them dragons. It is a story of immigration, diversity, and inclusion. The characters have strong friendships, ties of loyalty, and ethics. You will enjoy a visit, I am sure.

8 books in the NewEarth Series. If you read on Kindle or electronic format it won’t cost you that much.

Tell me what you think of my green sky world and the people who live there.

Read to a happy place!