Discussions on NewEarth
I wanted a way for my readers to easily discuss NewEarth, and perhaps gain some insight that others who don't read my blog may not gain. The Blog posts below may contain information not contained in the books, or address questions from my readers.
If you have questions pertaining to the NewEarth series, please feel free to contact me. You can do so by using this form: https://juliaschmeelk.com/contact-julia/
Funny 2
I am old. I freely admit I went through college, my under graduate degree, using an electric typewriter, or paying someone to type my papers after I wrote them by hand. I grew up without a dishwasher or microwave. So I lack some of the connectedness that some younger people have. Technology whirls around me…
Read MoreFinding a Mate
The journey that the dragons face in finding a mate, that one compatible mind that can link with yours is almost an impossible task, yet most dragons make the attempt. Male and female, dominant or submissive, they begin to look, to search, to define what they believe the planet would seek for them. Some give…
Read MoreThe Spy Continued.
Kerg is a mature dragon, an experienced fighter, with a serious problem. He wants, needs, craves, justice for his dead friend Joons and his small youngster Denu. The council member has promised to pass judgement on the rule breakers, those raiders from between territories if he spies on Grabon, a long time friend and fighting…
Read MoreDragon Sinus Infection
Grabon and the other dragons aim snot at one another and their human friends in a display of disgust and disagreement in a hard snort. This is an action that elicits a strong reaction from female dragons, non fighting male dragons, and most humans. But imagine if they had a sinus infection and the snot…
Read MoreManufacturing
I don’t know if most readers have puzzled out the manufacturing needs of NewEarth and how some goods are made on planet with local resources and others are brought in from off planet, but as the writer, these are difficulties and balances that keep me up at night. Or wake me in the middle of…
Read MoreWinter Storms
One of the many features of the NewEarth world aside from the green sky, two suns, two moons and much longer days is the quick turn of weather. Although to be honest here on old earth we’ve recently seen some quickly developing storms that do some terrible damage to life and property. Violent storms can…
Read MoreVehicles
One of the fun quirks about my stories is moving characters without technology. Now when it comes to off world ears, that is a whole other can of worms, but for the residence of NewEarth, especially the humans, transportation needed to be natural if not technological. So bentars, those large birds for light loads, and…
Read MoreWeak Woman Hanna
The downtrodden woman image can be twisted to fit any story where domestic females are happy in their role. However, Hanna featured first in Gordon’s Pride is traumatized, abused, and domestic by nature. She is not a dominant loud character. Instead she is quiet, enormously talented in many domestic arts, and because of her past…
Read MoreHappy New Year!
Writing utopian fantasy not only involves building a world people would love to visit, it takes plenty of villains and heroes to move the story along. While there is an abundance of attention spent on Gordon, Grabon, and Heron, it is too easy to overlook the villains in my stories. As a matter of fact,…
Read MorePerson Games
We all know about “he said, she said” games, and the all time favorite, ” I never heard that, “ game. The truth is, humans are nasty to one another, and as it turns out dragons can be just as bad. In Brom and Mox’s story, The Hunter, Book 7, of the NewEarth series, we…
Read MoreConflict
As anyone who has played in my fictional world on NewEarth can attest, avoiding a species conflict is one of the major goals of the Combined Territories, however they are a clan of fighters and they deter with strength. Watching real world conflicts along with real world destruction has left me feeling sad and hollow.…
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