
One of the fun quirks about my stories is moving characters without technology. Now when it comes to off world ears, that is a whole other can of worms, but for the residence of NewEarth, especially the humans, transportation needed to be natural if not technological. So bentars, those large birds for light loads, and for heavy loads like the farm wagons the giant cattle that are bigger than elephants and stronger.

Bentar can be trained to pull a wagon, but like many birds they nest, lay eggs, eat grains and run out of energy fairly quickly. Trying to catch a wild one is an experience, something to enjoy in a later book, but they don’t walk all day. Remember that a day on NewEarth is thirty-two hours in old earth time, much like a cycle is 480 days.

Walking is a reliable form of transportation but it only takes you so far, and of course as the humans in The Combined Territories discover, flying with a dragon is fastest.

Would you fly with a dragon?