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Most readers always want to know more about the characters and settings of NewEarth. For that purpose, we have provided this section to provide additional information on NewEarth that may not be found in the books.
Julia's Latest Posts
If we start with this world, one can make assumptions about people born in the thirties, the fifties, the seventies, and the nineties. They are different than those born after the computer revolution, and those born now. Current children will be that much more different than the generations before them and so it will continue as our world stretches, grows and becomes something new. It was not that long ago…
Read MoreI was lucky enough to meet my fantastic NewEarth Artist while I was living in Missouri. She is an amazing woman with a talent for translating words into visuals. I described the scenes from the stories and she provided the images, bringing details to life, including an abundance of color. The natural world here on earth is filled with colors, textures, sounds, and smells. My fictional world needed to have…
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