Generational Changes

If we start with this world, one can make assumptions about people born in the thirties, the fifties, the seventies, and the nineties. They are different than those born after the computer revolution, and those born now. Current children will be that much more different than the generations before them and so it will continue as our world stretches, grows and becomes something new. It was not that long ago that only white men had any power. It is not surprising that they object to the loss of that protected status.

On NewEarth, there were those dragons who grew to maturity before the humans arrived. There were the humans who traveled to the planet. There were those who grew the first substantial connection. The first dragon from their territory to speak before the council. The first territory dragon claim on a long vacant piece of land. There were the humans who matured having never met a dragon, and those who grew to maturity playing with dragons and humans.

Times change, the world shifts and grows. Fictional worlds should not stay the same over time, because the real world does not ever stop moving and shifting. Humans hate change, yet we can adapt and push for change we want, yet resent other changes. We are a difficult species to satisfy.

I tend to enjoy most changes, until I do not. It doesn’t make any sense, but that’s the way it is.