Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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The Hunter

By Julia Schmeelk | September 5, 2023

Now that the book is out several people have had a difficult time locating it on Amazon. For one reason or another they are not listing it separately but only as part of the 8 book series. However, here is the link. And if you want to find it on your own, look for the NewEarth Series and it should be the 7th book, followed by Jommy’s Flights. I…

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By Julia Schmeelk | August 21, 2023

As far as characters go, Mox is a favorite of mine. Her talent is amazing, luring disease away from people into herself so she can kill it with toxic energy. Her understanding is less focused on the mystery and more grounded in the practice and practicality of it. She slept through the scary parts, because, hello really scary to be poisoned and feel it rush through your system with a…

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