Discussions on NewEarth
I wanted a way for my readers to easily discuss NewEarth, and perhaps gain some insight that others who don't read my blog may not gain. The Blog posts below may contain information not contained in the books, or address questions from my readers.
If you have questions pertaining to the NewEarth series, please feel free to contact me. You can do so by using this form: https://juliaschmeelk.com/contact-julia/
Mating Bond
As the planet chooses partners based on complementary strengths and talents, compatibility, and other factors, it is hard to imagine anyone rejecting the bond. Especially because if the bonding of the power lines had progressed enough, one or both partners will die as they attempt to separate. Does that mean that nobody ever does it?…
Read MoreHappy Endings
Yes, I choose to write fairytales. They may be aimed at adults, but they are more than fantasy, they are optimistic bombs, set to warm your heart. A bit like a psychic, fantasy-based Hallmark special. Someone even compared my books to Little House on the Prarie with the dragons thrown in for color. I took…
Read MoreCharacter Flaws
So they say when you design a character, before you set him or her free in a setting, you need to include a flaw. Well, to be honest I always chuckle over this, because what counts as a flaw? Too ambitious? Greedy for attention? Seeking out anonymity? Too quiet? Loud and obnoxious? Faithful? Independent thinker?…
Read MoreGordon’s Pride
As I was building Gordon as a character I wanted someone taller, thicker, physically powerful, imposing, cranky, and psychically so strong that he inspires fear in others. I wanted him to be an obvious leader, but the kind others appreciate at a safe distance, not up close and personal. I built him to be smart,…
Read MoreBlogging for Fun
Being an author means knowing how to get in your head and letting the words flow, even when what comes out is total garbage. I have always had a surplus of words rattling around in my head, aching and straining to get out. So generating ideas and enough verbiage has never been my issue, however,…
Read MoreBrom’s Story
The Hunter is going to be released soon and it is looking pretty good, but I wanted to give everyone a bit of background just in case you haven’t looked at the books in awhile or maybe this will be your first in the new earth world. Brom is a fighter, friend to Grabon, one…
Read MoreOff to the Readers
I have finished with the 3 rounds of editing and have handed book 7, The Hunter off to the readers. These are people looking for anything that disrupts the reading, from typos to awkwardness. Currently Io have 2 wonderful people doing the reading for me. While they are busy with that, I am doing the…
Read MoreA Glimpse
“You do not have any dragons with physical issues?” Brom grinned over her challenging tone. “Aside from having fighters who have suffered multiple injuries, we have a blind dragon.” She was pleased that he was able to laugh with her about such an important issue. “I suppose that counts, but really Brom, we should recruit someone with…
Read MoreDo You Remember Brom?
I am currently working on The Hunter, Brom’s story of his meeting with Mox and her adjustment to the Combined Territory. There are new characters, new circumstances, and another encounter with the council. Wait until you see Mox in action. I think you are going to love her. The timeline for The Hunter jumps to…
Read MoreSummer Time Fun
One of my favorite things to do before I take some time to write is to go back and reread some of my favorite books. I have an Anne Bishop that I always go back to and a Nora Roberts, a Christine Feehan, and a Lora Leigh that I especially enjoy. But then, as a…
Read MoreIdentity
Who fits into the Combined Territory? It is not like a country, where everyone born within the border is now magically a citizen. A clan, according to dragon tradition, is chosen by the territory dragon, but individuals also choose to stay. Those become clan members, loyal to the territory, clan, and of course the territory…
Read MoreQuick Action
One of the benefits of a Territory Dragon is his or her ability to take quick action to deliver justice. Even with a Rule Keeper, and Grabon and Heron believe every territory should have one, justice is still fast and in many cases permanent. They are waiting for Grabon’s Rule Keeper to arrive in the…
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