Wonder of Wonders
We catch water. Our tap water is fine, but water barrels and water containers that catch rainfall feels like we are doing something positive when we water our plants with stored and saved rainwater.
Today I glanced in one of the barrels and low and behold, two eyes were staring back at me. Lots of tiny swimmers were also in the water, so he had plenty to eat. After some discussion I added a stout stick for him to climb in and out with, just in case he felt trapped. Freedom is not just the option to go, but the choice to stay as well.
Last I looked he was happily swimming in the blue bucket. It makes me wonder what motivates a frog. Doesn’t he have any friends he wants to visit? We have a huge swimming pool that has gone to pond, a favorite haven for most of the frogs, why choose that blue bucket by the door to the house?
In any case, if he is still there tomorrow he is going to need a name. I am thinking about Prince.
Have a wonderful night, day, morning and evening and if you get the chance, read a fairytale and make your time brighter.