Wii Fit
Getting a new job, moving, gardening, and getting older, puts a certain strain on the body. I have to be careful anyway not to become too sedentary, spending so much time at the computer. Using the Wii Fit in the past has allowed me to create a work out routine that was fast, easy to follow, and private. My one experience with going to a gym did not go so well.
Having a program I could do at home away from students and parents turned out to be a huge bonus. With a variety of balance activities, yoga and plenty of other activities to choose from I didn’t feel cheated at all.
Getting older means losing flexibility in the joints, so working-out becomes ridiculously important. Otherwise I think I would become like the tin man without his shot of oil; stiff and rusty.
To be honest, I had stopped using the program for a few years and then picked it up again last week. Aside from the muscle rebellion, I am feeling pretty good. Give me a month and I will be pushing to get back to where I used to be. Right now, I am simply trying to survive each session. My guess is that as I work-out, I will slim down, become more flexible, better balanced, and stronger.