Twisted Thinking

🤔 In the NewEarth Series there is a general understanding that any individuals thinking can get twisted easily. It is up to their friends and clan members to untwist them.

An example of this is thinking that your needs are more important than someone else’s simply because they are yours. The belief that one individual has more value than another based on some superficial attribute. Or even that greater power entitles you to get more from others instead of give more.

Among the dragons twisted thinking is considered dangerous, but it is also something everyone is prone to and has to be cautious about. It is one of the advantages of having a mate, two views on everything makes it harder for the mind to twist and distort perceptions and thoughts.

The concept is new to humans, but they are catching on. Often humans place a false value on thinking a particular way or agreeing with someone. The dragons are teaching them the difference between disagreement and twisted thinking.