Have you ever looked for time, or chased it? I have a set time I awaken, a time I go to bed, a time to eat, and clean, and gather and sort the laundry. I have time set aside for fun, and time set apart for work. I spend time with family and friends and cherished moments with loved ones both in person and on line. I make time to write, to dream, to create, but there is never enough. I need to make a friend out of time because as I get older, I also know that time is running out. I probably have more time behind me than ahead, and while that can be a heavy thought I don’t give it too much time. I spend and gift time to only those that really matter because as time goes, it moves swiftly and much like a river, when it hits the rocks it flows faster, spits, and swirls. Time is dancing with all of us, one way or another, we might as well enjoy the experience and make a friend.
Spend your time wisely and always read to a happy place.