The Great and Wonderful Jethro

My poor pup, who is now almost 13 years old, twisted his hip jumping in and out of the car. He has also been suffering with a skin rash for months. After multiple rounds of antibiotics and other options we finally started the medicated bath treatments today. To say that the mighty Jethro hates and detests baths, is an understatement. Under the best of circumstances, a bath is a foul, disgusting word that he recognizes from three rooms away while in a dead sleep. Simply put, we ambushed him. With two ties a hose filled with sun warmed water, I sprayed him down, soaped him up and rinsed him clean, doing my best to avoid the worst sores. In three days we do it again. Fortunately he learns slowly, I have at least three more bath episodes outside before he’s onto me.Julia and Jethro


  1. Mary Seanson on April 11, 2018 at 10:26 pm

    Awwww. Sweet Jethro! How can it be thirteen years already?!