The Garden Grows

My dad and I are gardening together, which is a wonderful thing!

We have 🍅 tomato plants as small as two inches, some are two feet, and others are waist high, but our garden is growing.

A few pepper plants a squash or two and things are stretching and twining and making room.

We have lettuce, and kale, and green onions galore, yes our garden is growing and producing food.

Plucking the flowers from our potatoes today, we knew that our potatoes are producing deep underground.

Our garden is growing, while we may have planted many seeds, and not everything comes to fruition, a garden is like life, you make of it what you can. Our weeds are doing very well, but so is everything else. It makes my heart sing, our garden is growing.


  1. Tricia Kessie on July 9, 2019 at 12:16 am
