
I was driving in traffic today, behind a white van that was entertaining himself by putting lives at risk by driving too close to the car in front. If I had been driving that car, I would have pulled into the shoulder, and I may have even called the cops and given them a pick of his vehicle as he whizzed past. Instead, the car in front maintained driving at the speed limit, calmly signalled after seven miles with the van three feet from his bumper, and turned off. I followed the van at a safe distance for miles afterwards before he finally turned off.

The whole time I was imagining what a dragon would do to someone following too close. I can see them dipping and climbing, flexing their tail, and knocking someone towards the ground for flying to close. I imagine tailgating a dragon is not a usual occurrence.

Does your mind take flights into fantasy while you do other tasks? Mine does and some of my best ideas come from mundane moments where my thoughts take flight.

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