Solar Installation

On the first snowy day, one day after our first winter storm, on time and with plenty of enthusiasm, our installation crew arrived.

When workmen say they will be ready to start at 8 am you somehow don’t expect them to arrive shortly after 7 am to look things over, introduce themselves and start setting up. But arrive they did and with everything they needed.

It took an astonishingly short amount of time for them to melt the snow and ice off of the parts of the roof they were concerned with. One team member was strictly dedicated to wiring and setting up the converter. The other three did the leg work and working together they had everything done well before 3:30 pm.

The thing about solar is that it is highly regulated. All kinds of inspectors were going to have to check over what they had done, they warned us. By the time they left, we knew that our electric company was going to need to reconnect the house and set up the new meter to allow for a 1:1 Trade for power.

We were stunned that they had been able to work in the cold, melting the snow and ice off the roof using salt based ice melt. It surprised us that they were done so quickly, setting up enough panels to off set all our usual power consumption in less than a day.

Best of all, we were thrilled to be moving forward to using clean energy, helping to solve the environmental problems and not add to them. I have to add that it was also not costing us a ton of money.