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It is a day to celebrate our freedom, and a day to recognize the sacrifices that others made, so that we can be free. It is a day to remember that nothing happens without a price and history judges which side is good and which is evil. In the moment we usually tend to think our side is right, but we all know that the moment is deceptive. The way…
Read MoreIf you have read Grabon’s Nest and Acceptance, you probably have some questions about Pia’s drumming ability and exactly what the planet intended. Yes, it is similar to a form of heartsinging, drawing out negative emotions and thoughts and setting them free. As Pia matures and grows more comfortable, readers will see her help others using her drum. Drumming the planet’s heart denotes a deeper planetary connection. As you meet…
Read MoreSo this evening after being on my feet all day, we needed to run out to the store. We were out of a few things and running low on others. On my last days off instead of shopping, I spent my time playing in the garden. Hence the run to the store in the middle of my work week. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are likely to be my busiest days.…
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