Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts


By Julia Schmeelk | July 15, 2019

So we have a bad history when it comes to people coming to stay for a few days. Sometimes a fire, sometimes a flood. The curse has included a tornado and I am definitely against the pestilence part of the prophecy, but we did have an invasion of ants once and a horde of lady bug like beetles that covered our ceilings. Yep we are guest cursed, and yet we…

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Lasting Relationships

By Julia Schmeelk | July 15, 2019

My stories are based on establishing long lasting relationships, an in real life I have plenty of examples to draw on. Both my grandparents had milestones marriages lasting fifty years or more and my parents just celebrated their 57th year together. Dragons live longer than humans, so their relationships that last a lifetime can span 200 years. Not that it makes much difference, the principals are the same. Establishing a…

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The Unexpected

By Julia Schmeelk | July 11, 2019

Like everyone, having something happen unexpectedly can be good, or it can be bad, and very often it is a bit of both. On Tuesday as I was loading the car to go over to my folks, a youngish man came up our drive on a bicycle. Somewhat sheepishly he asked if we had any chores or work he could do for cash or food. I like to help out…

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