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On NewEarth the idea of power and energy comes from the planet. The idea of alternative energy would be human produced to power technology. The irony of course is that I am selling solar power systems in real life, now that I am retired from teaching. Can you imagine Grabon’s response to that? In another way, all the dragons would be appalled by the condition of our planet. Instead of…
Read MoreNo, not the one I’m writing but the one I am reading. Anne Bishop is a wonderful fantasy writer and I am indulging in my favorite, her Black Jewels Trilogy. If you enjoy different versions of society, exploring irony, contradictions, and strong emotions on both side of the spectrum, check out her amazing books. Of course it helps to have a strong stomach for violence. She does not write a…
Read MoreAs many of you probably know, I had given The Hunter, the NewEarth 7 novel to Jo, my editor, and she finally gave part of it back to me. I am going to slowly make my way through a mountain of suggestions and get that book ready for formatting and release. It is too soon to project a date, but if you manage to guess the right one, I may…
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