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At the first stirrings of spring, my dad and I went into the local farm and fleet and ordered 2 out of the shell ducks. We also got 8 more chicks, Rhode Island Reds, to go with our other chickens. After some discussion we were ready to try ducks, but we had no idea what kind. We talked to a young man who worked in that department and with a…
Read MoreIf you ask Grabon, being a territory dragon is simply a matter of having branches on your power line. That is definitely an over simplification since many clan members of the Combined Territories has branching power lines, yet none of them choose to take on the role of territory dragon. Grabon and Heron made a study of the role of territory dragon. They examined the rules, the different styles. The…
Read MorePeople set expectations of themselves and of others and when something happens and we fail to meet those expectations there is disappointment. Grabon certainly felt that way when he was expecting a strong mate that he could test his strength on and instead found a young frail mate in need of his protection. Grabon also discovered that allowing someone else to feel the weight of your disappointment is damaging and…
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