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- Here on JuliaSchmeelk.com
- On Amazon.com
I encourage you to take advantage of writing a book review at both places. To write a review on Amazon, I have provided a link to instructions that you can read by clicking this link.
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We have been lucky enough to have a friend come and stay with us. Not an easy feat in the midst of a pandemic and with my crazy schedule, but he managed to be here during my lightest days and we took some time to visit. It makes me wonder how many people take the time to visit. This is time spent talking, laughing, and telling stories; reconnecting. It was…
Read MoreThe ducks have finally started laying eggs. Cinderella is laying white eggs and Shadow appears to be laying dove gray eggs. She has only produced 1 so far, so it might change as egg production becomes regular, but not too much. According to the literature most Cayuga ducks lay black or green eggs. So we’ll wait and see. The first one was small, but they always are for the first…
Read MoreWhen I develop a character and set them lose in a setting of my creation, I never know if he or she will play nice with others, or become a baboon and show his or her flaming ass to one and all. Usually I develop characters I think I will like, unless of course the goal is to dislike them. None of my characters are based on a single personality…
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