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- On Amazon.com
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Have you ever taken a long road trip and wanted to kill your fellow passengers, slowly? Imagine a month or more in a ship racing through space, a cargo ship, with a few modifications for passengers. There were 120 original pioneers that headed out to colonize what they would later call NewEarth. Only 117 survived the journey and first week. One poor woman lost her husband and partner to an…
Read MoreOne of the best parts of starting something new is the absolute confusion. The need to learn a thousand new things all at once and knowing it is impossible. So you have a small window with permission to ask away, make mistakes and shrug when it comes to light. after all you are new. Not knowing the rules, being new is something I cover in my stories. There are new…
Read MoreAs I started a new job today, it made me think of how newcomers must feel as they arrive in a territory in my NewEarth series. Imagine how the new arrivals felt as those brave volunteers boarded a ship to be dropped off on a new planet. Their hearts must have been drumming in their ears as their brains raced over every decision, second guessing each and every choice. I…
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