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These two newly mature dragons were friends and had wandered through their youth together. Now they were looking for a territory to settle in, but few would accept two male dragons at the same time. Instead of trying again after the last failure, they decided to visit the Combined Territories for a last adventure. When they called out upon their arrival, Grabon directed them to the visitor’s nest. There they…
Read MoreLike a lot of people I am decorating for the holidays. And like a lot of people I have inherited the family decorations and I have to sort and decide what to keep, what to store, what to use, and how I want to use it. It is ridiculously emotional and exciting all at the same time. The holidays are some of our fondest memories as a family, bringing friends…
Read MoreTyme and Scor were both newly mature dragons, searching for a territory, hoping to build their first nests. They had become friends as they wandered, and had decided to look for a territory that would accept them both. It was not unusual for friends to choose the same territory, but there was no guarantee that the territory dragon would want two new clan members. They had applied to two territories…
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