Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Unexpected guests

By Julia Schmeelk | January 3, 2018

This morning, just before lunch, my husband stepped outside onto the porch to have a smoke and called me out to join him. Then he yelled, bring the iPad, we need pics of this. I did and stood there in the freezing cold with my coat undone giggling. Two horses and a cow were eating the bird food out of our bird baths. We stock them with seeds in the…

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Cooking, celebrating and working

By Julia Schmeelk | January 2, 2018

Early January is always a crazy, busy time. Not only is it clean up from the holidays, but my birthday is the 4th and we like to celebrate that too. Today I am cooking different finger foods and we have the neighbors coming to celebrate the NewYear. Wouldn’t you know the bathtub drain is frozen? I think I’ll boil some water and see if I can unplug it. Even when…

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By Julia Schmeelk | January 1, 2018

The role of fiction is first to entertain, next to spread hope and light, and last to offer up messages encoded to the reader. If a book fails to entertain, put it down and spend your time more wisely. When light and hope cannot find their way through the tightly woven plot I not only look away, I set the whole thing aside. If there are no hidden encoded messages…

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