Write a Book Review
There are two places where you can write a book review.
- Here on JuliaSchmeelk.com
- On Amazon.com
I encourage you to take advantage of writing a book review at both places. To write a review on Amazon, I have provided a link to instructions that you can read by clicking this link.
To write a review here, on JuliaSchmeelk.com, please use the form below. Although I ask for your Email, it is strictly for verification purposes. Your Email address will not be published on this website, nor will I share your Email address with anyone for any reason.
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In an imperfect world, humans struggle to do the right thing. Is that dystopian? If the world is twisted so it appears idyllic yet is rotted underneath, is that dystopian? A world filled with blood sucking vampires that prey on the innocent, no matter how kind they seem is dystopian. Yet reality is often dystopian as well. Our governments enslave and imprison the poor, divert food from the hungry, withhold…
Read MoreI made the decision to renew my teaching credentials in Illinois, and I could have made myself crazy trying to figure out what to do. Instead, we went over to the country office of education and I walked in and spoke to a group of people. After they got passed looking at my certificate that was printed and typed on and stamped on the back, ”the old fashioned way” they…
Read MoreI have been fortunate enough to take many journies in my life, adventures all of them, but one of my greatest was becoming a teacher. Contrary to popular belief it wasn’t the pay, the summers off, or the short hours that drove me to that particular profession. It was the hard core believe that by helping others become something special I was adding a positive force to the world. That…
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