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We now have two vehicles. I am not sure how long that will last, but we added to the occupants of our driveway for now. This new vehicle is in good shape and should carry Shawn’s scooter with ease. It would never accommodate a dragon as a passenger, but few modern conveyances would. It occurred to me that when Shawn and I go to buy a vehicle, we have a…
Read MoreI was paging through Facebook and Twitter, as I do from time to time, and I came across a woman asking about characters with disabilities. I answered that the NewEarth Series has at least one disabilities described in each book, a challenge that a character, human or dragon, has to work with and she asked if I knew who wrote them. I answered that I did and gave her the…
Read MoreAside from the whole make-it-up as you go, invent a world, populate it, and set your characters free- god like powers, a writer has a few other joys. One of them is working your but off to tell a story, and later, years later, going back and rediscovering it. I have a bank of books, 50 or so that I have written over the years and it always thrills me…
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