Write a Book Review
There are two places where you can write a book review.
- Here on JuliaSchmeelk.com
- On Amazon.com
I encourage you to take advantage of writing a book review at both places. To write a review on Amazon, I have provided a link to instructions that you can read by clicking this link.
To write a review here, on JuliaSchmeelk.com, please use the form below. Although I ask for your Email, it is strictly for verification purposes. Your Email address will not be published on this website, nor will I share your Email address with anyone for any reason.
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On Twitter with the limited number of characters allowed for a post and the extensive #writers-community, they have originated some games that highlight main characters, plot twists, opening lines, genre merges and more. I would invite everyone to check out the amazing works being produced by the writing community as they are all struggling to find the audience that can and will appreciate their labors of love as they scrawl…
Read MoreThe search has been exhaustive, but I have made several positive steps. I managed to get in with a broker firm for specific types of jobs. Sunbelt Staffing operates as a contractor; paid by schools, hospitals, and institutions for vetting and placing people in those hard to fill positions. So I work for Sunbelt, retain publishing and all intellectual property rights, get paid by the hour and have more flexibility,…
Read MoreI went to Lisa Beard’s book signing today. People stood in line for hours to get a picture, to have her sign their book. She ran out of books in the first hour. It was amazing. She held it in the local book store and she is a teacher in the community so many of her students came out with their parents. When it was my turn to speak with…
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