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Julia's Latest Posts
What would seasonal allergies look like in a dragon? What about something like asthma? In book 9, I actually explore that idea. The big red dragon, the brewer of the clan, Griss with his youngster Redseth, is finally able to claim his mate. That is practically where the story begins, and I don’t want to spoil any surprises for anyone, so I won’t say too much. Suffice it to say…
Read MoreA couple of weeks ago I twisted my knee. While the injury is just enough to be annoying, I have spent a considerable amount of time playing with the idea of a knee injury for a dragon. The twinges and hurt from landing, the drag of it being awkward in the air, throwing off steering, and the sharp sting with every landing. The shift and ache while sitting on ones…
Read MoreIn several different scenes in my stories I have dragons dancing, some in the manner of humans with their feet on the ground, some in the air when it is a romantic moment. So I was thinking of a social dance, dragons with dragons, to demonstrate interest and compatibility would be a very interesting aerial display. This would be a larger group than a pair, maybe among youths, newly coming…
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