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Reviews on JuliaSchmeelk.com
“The NewEarth Series Books 1-6
5.0 out of 5 stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
awesome reading
January 16, 2019
story telling at its finest”
Sometimes the shortest reviews are the sweetest!
Thanks, you made my day!
This quote is taken from a discussion between Gordon and Hanna, while she is adjusting to their bond, the changes in her life. She is struggling with her loss, but also with belonging to something new.
I remember reading a similar exchange in a historical romance when I was pretty young. That means it was a long time ago, since I am no spring chicken. I remember it was set in Scotland, a woman had been taken from one clan and kidnapped into another, eventually accepted by the new clan and rejected by her old people.
It was a profound concept for me, adoption is not limited to the very young. Anyone can, under the right circumstances, change people, families, and change the course of their life.
A writer friend highlighted this after reading Gordon’s Pride. Thanks Pete Sheppard, author of Flint of Dreams, you made my day!
This one snuck in and I didn’t see it right away.
“Couldn’t put this one down! I wanted to know what happened next. The character development and story line keep building with intrigue. The story transitions well between the story of the community and the journey of “the Heartsinger
The Author of Flint of Dreams wrote the following about Gordon’s Pride. “Julia Schmeelk Author This book is excellent! You are very good at merging dialogue and narration to create a whole new world. Gordon and Hannah are a fascinating pair, each with unique qualities and powers. The dragon race is also very interesting. Great read! You have a brilliant imagination!” He made my day, but even better, he ordered Heron’s Bonds!
So happy and grateful to rejoin my friends on New Earth! And to meet such wonderful characters as LeeAnn and Golly and Zach. Really love The Market ~ wish I could go there! This series just keeps getting more and more fascinating, with more and more characters and amazing events! Another real page turner!
From Avid Reader 53, Loved this book. Just hated that the two parts of the book about Golly was read on the subway and others looked at me strange with tears rolling down my cheeks
I adore the the characters and the interaction between the humans and dragons. Lots of life lessons intertwined throughout.
Excitement and tears, laughter and gasps, this story invites the reader into the dragonmen clan of Newearth. It is easy to find yourself in the story figuring out where you would fit in this community. The culture development inspires self growth as reflected in the characters.
Thanks Chris…“loved it great continuation in the story of dragons and humans. I have just ordered the 3rd book in series heartsinger cant wait to get started.”
A wonderful story, well written and fun to read. I recommend the series to everyone who enjoys fantasy sprinkled with romance.
Found on Amazon… “Another great book in the continuation of the NewEarth series. I love the new characters, the swift and brutal justice, and following all of the characters both human and dragon from story to story. Buy it, read it, and become a NewEarth fan along with me!” Thanks so much!
A Note from Julia
While I have lived on an island, no book is written completely in isolation. There are always those who help make the transition from a story in my head to a book you can hold in your hand, so let me take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks. For Shawn, my heartmate, friend and own personal dragon at the gate, thank you for being my hero, helper and amazing support staff. My parents have always been terrific cheerleaders and my brothers and their families are right there with them. My editor JoSalle Vanderhooft who worked through hurricane Irma to give me excellent feedback on the technical side of writing, I tip my hat and offer many thanks. Bryon Craig who did an amazing job translating the world of geekdom into something I could navigate, let me say that you have my gratitude, respect and I really wish I had just a bit of that magic dust you seem to have a corner on. With a pinch of that my computer could speak English and we could communicate so much better. My beta readers… yes those lovely people, the very best really, who wade through my stories in various stage of draft and make suggestions and point out loop holes. You are all the best of the best and any mistakes that remain are mine and mine alone.
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