Power Through
Recently I have been working in sales. As a writer, working in sales is amazing, you see and learn so much about humans and what drives them in all their moods. But seriously, the most mind bending thing I learned was not to try so hard. Any one who knows me, knows that I am a work-a-holic. I make things happen, I speak them into existence, I stay up all night hammering away until the problem can be collected with a broom and dustpan. How does one work without working hard?
The sales training is very direct. Intensity scares people away, so no being intense with customers; but passion, humor, and excitement are fine. My head explodes at this point.
Needless to say sales is not my special niche, but I met some wonderful people who excel in that complicated convoluted world, including one of my brothers. I always had respect for him, but now that I dipped my big toe in his pond, I realize he is one of those sharks you hear about. Good for him, but I happen to be a different critter entirely.
But of course it all goes back to writing and my stories. My little sales experience taught me a lot about mind manipulation and if one were to apply the power of the planet to a natural talent, many things could be accomplished. Of course that will be in future books. 🤣