Not Domestically Skilled

LeeAnn has many valuable skills, she is an extraordinary healer, able to use a shot of power to mend bone and flesh, saving lives quickly and easily. Her knowledge of plants and other cures is exceeded only by Griss, the Territory’s brew master, but they work together. LeeAnn has compassion, a healer’s dedication to preserving life, but she is not a great cook. During her youth and childhood, she was learning healing, not making cookies or cleaning house. She never learned the domestic arts.

Fortunately Hess has some knowledge in that area and while neither of them can use power to separate water and dirt from cloth, they know people who can do their washing, or they are stuck doing it the old fashioned way with no power at all. Making it take more than three times longer.

Having a lack of domestic skills in their household is a trial, especially because they are both busy working for and in the territory. Neither of them is inclined to do their own sewing and they managed to trade coin for bread, candles, and rendered oil for running lamps.

In any matched couple or mated pair, it is an advantage in a pioneer society if at least one member has domestic skills. For LeeAnn and Hess, they muddle through with help from their friends and a lot of coin spent on things that they could otherwise do for themselves.