NewEarth Storms

Hannah experiences the storms of NewEarth in Gordon’s Pride, when the wind and rain rip across the land, knocking down dwellings and flattening things in her path. When Hannah was alone those storms were terrifying because she had no shelter beyond the walls and roof. When she was claimed by Gordon, she was surrounded by his shields and power and felt secure.

The emotional storms Hannah experienced were also terrifying on her own. When protected by Gordon’s strength she was better able to cope. As each story progresses Hannah continues to grow, heal, and strengthen. Storms still have the power to bring back unpleasant memories and make her nervous. It is amazing how much time and security can help heal a wounded spirit.

We all experience storms, physical, emotional, and those of our own making. We need to find shelter, build shields, and develop relationships that make us feel safe. If you ever feel defeated, remember Hannah, she overcame and triumphed when her world turned against her for something she did not do. You can survive and thrive, I believe in you!

Happy reading!