Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Heron’s Bonds

By Julia Schmeelk | September 4, 2021

Looks like the giveaway was pretty successful and I have to tell you that giving away books is every bit as satisfying as selling them as long as people enjoy reading them. Now, if they are used as a doorstop, we’ll that may not be the best, but hey, it gets them out there, right? I always donate a set to the library of where I am living. Walking in…

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Pet Peeve?

By Julia Schmeelk | September 2, 2021

First off I want to express my wonder that some people make a pet out of their peeves. I may have a few that reoccure, but as far as I know I have never fed nor housed them, nurtured or cared for them. That being said, like any other human there are boundaries and expected patterns of behaviors that separate the acceptable from the unacceptable, at least in my own…

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