Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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By Julia Schmeelk | January 28, 2023

I have a Kindle Fire that has a number of books that I do not have in print version. But I do not use it regularly. To that end it gets tucked away, out of the way. Today I was reading and thought of a story that was on the Kindle. I started looking. Five hours later and a lot of reorganizing was done but I found it. Now it…

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Funny 2

By Julia Schmeelk | January 25, 2023

I am old. I freely admit I went through college, my under graduate degree, using an electric typewriter, or paying someone to type my papers after I wrote them by hand. I grew up without a dishwasher or microwave. So I lack some of the connectedness that some younger people have. Technology whirls around me and I pick and choose what I’ll adopt and what I’ll pass on. Learning new…

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