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Most readers always want to know more about the characters and settings of NewEarth. For that purpose, we have provided this section to provide additional information on NewEarth that may not be found in the books.
Julia's Latest Posts
I have always been dedicated. Years and years ago I was dedicated to becoming a damn fine teacher, studying and reading as much as I could. Then I taught with some of the most skilled people, in all kinds of fabulous places. I learned to help kids become the best versions of themselves. Somewhere along the way my passion for telling stories and writing them bloomed and I began producing…
Read MoreTo all moms everywhere, this day is for you. A special day to celebrate all that you do. The shopping, cooking, working day through, Nobody does as much as you. We count on your time, your energy, and health. the running and worrying are immeasurably felt. Our recognition, wonder, and love are all there, I hope you can feel it and pause in midair. Take some time today or tomorrow,…
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