Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Do or Write

By Julia Schmeelk | July 30, 2023

There are a lot of choices we make every day, but the do or write is probably my favorite. Do I clean or write? Should I garden or write? Invited out to shop or write? Well my brother invited me to go out on his boat today and for the first time in four weeks, my computer snapped closed. Usually when I have time to write, that is what I…

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The Hunter

By Julia Schmeelk | July 27, 2023

You can find The Hunter on Amazon. And you can check out the other books if you haven’t gone exploring among the humans and dragons of this exciting utopian world. As for me, aside from promotion, I have been working on Jommy’s Flights, the 8th book of the series that tells the tale of Thane’s mate, her journey to the Combined Territories and some of her challenges. Intertwined in…

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