Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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By Julia Schmeelk | August 20, 2023

Nothing beats knowing people are reading books and stories you have poured your heart into, fussed and polished with until the words are drummed into your head. The truth is writing is not magic, it is hard, sweaty, heartbreaking work. Words are not the easiest to manage and emotions can get twisted up with motivations. A good character is as complicated as any real person and has just as many…

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2 Books:6 Weeks

By Julia Schmeelk | August 11, 2023

It was exhausting editing that fast, reading that much, re-editing, revising, re-writing. And then we format. Formatting is a particular nightmare of mine. If you can’t tell, let me know because formatting is way harder than any case… 2 books are swimming.

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