Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Hillbilly Chicken Cordon Bleu

By Julia Schmeelk | April 12, 2024

Okay, so it isn’t as fancy as its name. It might be made with cheap ingredients, but it tastes oh-so-good and it’s fast. We took breaded chicken patties, did a light spray of olive oil and baked, flipping halfway through until crisp and tender. Halve some white American singles or single swiss slices, put half on the chicken patty, letting it warm. Zap in the microwave for 30 seconds some…

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By Julia Schmeelk | April 11, 2024

As we sort and shift through goods and items no longer in use, we look for those whose needs might well be met with what we have. Today we made a donation to a senior community and memory care center. They need all kinds of things, and I volunteered to read my books to the clients. Loneliness is the enemy of so many older folks. They crave interaction, entertainment, and…

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