Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts


By Julia Schmeelk | November 15, 2018

We have a number of banks that we deal with, but we were thinking about opening a local account. My husband recently inherited some money so we had a check from the lawyer and it seemed like the perfect opportunity. We have been talking about consolidating and making it easier to keep track. Since the check was written on a bank with a local branch, we went in thinking we…

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Happy Day!

By Julia Schmeelk | November 15, 2018

Things are coming together. I unearthed the washer and dryer from the sea of boxes. They both work perfectly, so we now have clean dry clothes hanging in closets. No small accomplishment there. My wonderful father is turning 80 today and we have a few surprises for him. My fingers are crossed that all goes well. Our new livingroom has furniture- and I am steps closer to putting my office…

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