Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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By Julia Schmeelk | November 16, 2018

We got a bit of the white fluffy stuff yesterday and I went looking for our bent, light weight shovel and it is nowhere to be found. Moving makes locating anything and everything a challenge. Having a heart condition and using a heavy shovel is probably not smart, but that was all I could find. It will wait until we get the right shovel.

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By Julia Schmeelk | November 15, 2018

Most people have sink clogs, tub clogs, toilet clogs, but yesterday we had a vacuum hose clog that baffled me. We have a dog so a clog in the hose is not unheard of, but it turned out to be a walnut shell. Not just a piece of a shell but a perfect half. Typically my walnuts come shelled, but years ago we bought them whole to save money. Shawn…

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