Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Thankful ❤️🤔

By Julia Schmeelk | November 20, 2018

Like lots of people I keep adding to my thankful list. When I was teaching we made a paper chain, each link something someone was thankful for, and we hung it on our ceiling in the classroom. It stayed all year reminding students to look up and remember what they were thankful for instead of looking down with a frown and frustration. It is easy to fall into the pit…

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By Julia Schmeelk | November 20, 2018

I don’t know how it works in your house, but in mine the food gets better the closer you are to a major feasting holiday. For instance last night I made chicken Alfredo, with bread. This morning we had cheese blintzes. My cooking engines are revving up and will explode with turkey, ham, cheddar meatballs, relish trays, and green bean almondine. Those are only a few of the delicacies I…

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