Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Interview with AEM and the Holiday

By Julia Schmeelk | November 24, 2018

Did you see the interview? I was very impressed with all of it. Hopefully people found it entertaining. Thanksgiving was a huge, vibrant success with everyone participating, cooking, cleaning, shopping, running here and there and in the end we all sat down as a family and devoured an enormous amount of imaginative, flavorful, and carefully prepared foods. It was awesome! Especially the salted Carmel cheesecake my 15 year-old niece made…

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Happy Thanksgiving

By Julia Schmeelk | November 22, 2018

From our house to yours, have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Our turkey is in the oven at my parents, the ham is in the oven at our house. I have cut up veggies, made stuffing, and we are currently working on the 🥦 rice casserole. Thanksgiving this year is definitely a family effort with almost everyone pitching in, owning certain dishes, and being invested in the outcome. I am sure it…

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