Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Seat Belt Trouble

By Julia Schmeelk | November 27, 2018

I don’t know about anybody else, but seatbelts like to creep around my neck and threaten to strangle me. This happens when I am a passenger and when I am driving so it may have to do with the shape of my body. In any case it is not a new problem and it is not anything needing an urgent solution. We have seatbelt hooks, buckles, clips, etc, but one…

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Slide On the Move

By Julia Schmeelk | November 27, 2018

Since I was a kid, I have always known my father was brilliant, but for this recent move, he came up with an idea, I use every day. He had, or bought a very long 12 inch wide 2 inch thick board. Then he created an extension so the board was the full distance of my stairs. This served two purposes, the board lies on the whole length of the…

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