Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Most readers always want to know more about the characters and settings of NewEarth. For that purpose, we have provided this section to provide additional information on NewEarth that may not be found in the books.

Julia's Latest Posts

Settling In

By Julia Schmeelk | November 30, 2018

We bought a few lamps, still on the hunt for more. The ones we bought need to be assembled. We found these in the pics among the the treasures left behind. This morning with the assistance of my mother, we stumbled upon the method of setting up our voicemail. Yes, not surprising, we have a few tech challenges. It is a new system, faster, slicker and more complicated than either…

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Fussing and Organizing

By Julia Schmeelk | November 29, 2018

Our plan for the day is to fuss, organize, and buy some lamps. The fuss and organize part is to change and rearrange where this table is, and move those boxes downstairs. Then we’ll hang our hooks by the doors, so coats and hats and gloves can find a permanent home. I still have empty cabinets and things that need a place to reside, so all that needs to be…

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