Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Building Fence

By Julia Schmeelk | December 19, 2018

So I was lucky enough to help my dad put in a dog yard so he can slide the door open and let the pups out to play. This involved sinking fence posts with a sledge, rolling out fencing and for fasteners we used zip ties. It worked well and they have a usable fence to keep the dogs safe from their worst impulses. Sweety, the pup I found, that…

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Door Cover

By Julia Schmeelk | December 16, 2018

I enjoy Christmas, all the flash, color and decoration. The music is eclectic and fun, the spirit of the holiday is always a celebration which feeds my determined positive outlook, my personal armor against depression. This year we found a door cover on sale, really very cheap, a Christmas scene, it lights up, plays music, is sound activated. Instead of removing a wreath, we put it on the pantry door.…

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