Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Fiction and Holidays

By Julia Schmeelk | December 20, 2018

If I could write this next year into existence, I would eradicate certain diseases, I would change certain political practices, but most of all I would bring magic in the form of health and a wealth of love and acceptance to every heart. Have a wonderful holiday season, no mater which flavor of faith you practice and what holiday you observe, in any case may your year end with a…

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By Julia Schmeelk | December 19, 2018

I am waiting for my editor too return book 7 so I can get started on making changes. The last two re-writes take time and I did not want to be working over the holidays. She has had it since the beginning of October. However, she has many other clients, she just had a major death in her family, and she is notoriously late, with everything. I know all of…

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