Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Holiday Foods

By Julia Schmeelk | December 21, 2018

There are many foods that get associated with the holidays, at least in my mind. There is the turkey, goose, ham and roast of beast, depending on where you are, determines what beast you manage to roast. But the sides that go with all of that are also fascinating. Sweet potatoe pie, corn pudding, pecan encrusted chicken with orange glaze. Candied pecans, cookies of all kinds, but particularly spritz and…

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Waiting and Cooking

By Julia Schmeelk | December 20, 2018

While waiting for my editor, Jo, to finish with book 7, I have started some of the holiday cooking. Candied pecans, fudge, cookies and cake. I am hoping to make a few involved dishes and get the cooking bug under control. Fortunately we have enough people to eat the food I always yearn to make this time of year. What are other people’s holiday favorites? Aside from the mulled wine,…

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