Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Most readers always want to know more about the characters and settings of NewEarth. For that purpose, we have provided this section to provide additional information on NewEarth that may not be found in the books.

Julia's Latest Posts


By Julia Schmeelk | January 8, 2019

There are a number of different relationships that are important in the NewEarth Series. There is the sibling relationship as you see with Jamie and Janie, the sisters. Tad and Hess are a set of brothers where you see a bit of how they relate to one another, and of course in book 6 the reader is introduced to Taz and Lars. The dragon sibling relationship, called nest mates, is…

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Cyber Stunts

By Julia Schmeelk | January 7, 2019

There were warning signs about a month ago. We started looking for a glitch or an attack. Not much I can do, but Bryon my cyber expert knew what he was seRching for. He managed to start cleaning things up, and weeding things out. Comments are active again. If you left a comment in the last three weeks I got it today. The spam filter was holding them all until…

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