Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Redneck Calendar

By Julia Schmeelk | January 16, 2019

A good friend of ours, Danielle, gives my husband, Shawn, the “You Might Be a Redneck If…” calendar every year. It is something we enjoy, put up and out and go through at different times. I have no idea how many she has given us over the years, but it never gets old. The saying for January 15, 2019 was “You might be a redneck if… your spatula doubles as…

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Igor the Dragon

By Julia Schmeelk | January 15, 2019

Well this morning it looked like Igor, the inflatable dragon, was done for the time being. The wind pulled his stakes out of the ground and he was mooning the neighbors. Fortunately the neighbors were all at work, but we still ended up having to deflate him. I went out hoping I could reposition his stakes, but with the snow crusted and the ground froze, I would need to drive…

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