Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

The Cold Goes On

By Julia Schmeelk | January 31, 2019

So it was a whopping -24 today. A bit on the brisk side to be sure. The hair around my face frosted from my breathing when I took the dog for a walk. Jethro the mighty, likes to walk, even in frigid temperatures. The snow is too deep in the yard for him to run around, but we manage to walk in the street. I managed to get a lot…

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By Julia Schmeelk | January 30, 2019

It was not my intention to miss a few days on the blog, but the snow fell, the temperature dropped, snowplows dumped snow at the end of the drive, and Jo sent me a packet for book 7 – so I have been busy. We found the local Costco, yes one of my favorite stores. Of course I am a fan of most stores, even if there is nothing to…

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